Please be aware, you may get a call from BluePay, which is the provider of direct Credit Card import into Apollo. Many(and I mean many) have asked for this feature and have commented on the Tab at the top of the program. As you know Apollo stayed away from this feature because Apollo generally does not pick one vendor over another
That being said, this is a great vendor, and we have to go with one vendor in order for the seamless payment module to work. If you get a call, this would be a good time to take a few minutes to talk to BluePay if you are interested in the Credit Card feature or just click on the orange Tab and sign up.
Click on "Accept Credit Card Payments" link at the top right.
It will redirect to Bluepay Merchant Processing Page. Sign up with the informations on the page.
Get Bluepay "Account Id" and "Secret Key" from your bluepay account and enter it on "Account Setup" page as shown below.
NOTE:- Once you put in the bluepay credentials the top button as "Set up for Credit card processiog" will get disappeared.
Click here for how to collect payment using credit card.