How to use mobile enabled patient information questionnaire?

Apollo introduces a new method of collecting patient information even before a patient walks into the practice. A mobile, tablet enabled questionnaire link can be sent to the patient while setting up the appointment and they can complete the form at leisure on the device that they are most comfortable with. This has the potential of saving 100s of hours of both patient and practitioner time as well as improving the physical therapy outcomes.

Following are 2 ways to email questionnaire to patient

1. From Patient information: On patient information select the check box "Send patient a welcome mail with online patient information questionnaire." 


2. While Creating appointment: Another way to send questionnaire is while creating appointment. 


Patient receives following email having link to enter information.



Clinking the link opens following pages for patient to enter their details

1. Patient information 


2. Outpatient History


3. Medication List


4. Designated Individuals


5. No Show fee


6. Confirmation and submit


7. After submission Thank you page is displayed


Once patient submits information the link gets non-functional.

Submitted patient information can be seen on dashboard in "Patient Information Submission". Click patient whose data has to be merged with Apollo.


Following page is displayed. Clinician can change the data if required. Click "Merge with Patient record" to update patient data in Apollo or click "Delete Patient Information" to delete the data entered by patient. 


Thank you page is displayed when patient data is merged. 


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