Where can I easily find autostamp dates in reports?

The Autostamp Date is a timestamp feature that automatically records the date and time when a specific transaction or action is performed in the system. This is useful for tracking and verifying when transactions were processed.

Follow these simple steps to view the Autostamp Date in your reports:

Step 1: Enter your login credentials to access your Apollo Dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the "File" tab located in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Choose "Transaction File" from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: The Transaction File page will open, displaying various options and filters.

Step 5: From the "Transaction" dropdown, select "Payments."

Step 6: Choose the appropriate subtype like "Insurance Payment," "Patient Payments," or "All Payments."

Step 7: Under "Filter Date Range On," select "Autostamp Date" for both the Start Date and End Date.

Step 8: Click "Print Report'' or "Review Result" to view the Autostamp Date and other details. The report will include the Autostamp Date along with other relevant details based on the filters you

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