Where can I find newly added account files in the report module?

The apollo dashboard provides a streamlined way to access and view newly uploaded account files through the report module. Once files are uploaded, they are systematically organized by date and account, making it effortless to locate and review specific documents. This feature consolidates all essential files in one location, allowing for rapid searches and easy retrieval of information.

Step 1: Log into the Apollo Dashboard
Access the Apollo Dashboard by logging in with your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Manage Account Types
From the main menu, click on Manage Data, then select Manage Account Types.

Step 3: Add a New Account Type
On the Manage Account Types page, click the Add button to initiate the process of adding a new account type.

Step 4: Complete the Account Type Form
The Add Account Type page will appear. Enter all required details for the new account type. Once all fields are completed, click Save or Add to create the account type.

Step 5: Confirm the Addition
After saving, you will be redirected to the Manage Account Types Listing page. Verify that the newly added account type appears in the list.

Step 6: Access the File Module
Navigate to the File Module within the dashboard. Click on Account File to proceed.

Step 7: Search for the New Account File
The Account File page will open. To view the reports related to the newly added account type, use the search bar to enter the account code or name. You can also apply filters such as Code & Name Only or All Date to narrow down the results based on the details entered during account creation.

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