This will help you generate and print a report showing all visits for any selected year(2023). The report will include the total charges for each visit, based on your account and office location, making tracking yearly activity and expenses easier.
Follow the steps below to easily retrieve and print the report for the desired year.
Step 1: Log in to the application
Start by logging into your account with your credentials.
Step 2: Navigate to the transaction file
Once logged in, locate the top menu bar, select file, then click on transaction file.
Step 3: Select the transaction type
Under the transaction section, choose all charged transactions. This will include all visits and related charges for the selected period.
Step 4: Enter the Date Range
Enter the specific date range for the year you wish to view. For example, for the year 2023, set the start date as 01/01/2023 and the end date as 12/31/2023. You can adjust these dates for any year you'd like to generate the report for.
Step 5: Run the Report
After selecting the transaction type and inputting the date range, click run report to generate the data.
Step 6: Preview the Report
Now, click print report. Instead of immediately printing, a preview of the report will be displayed on your screen.
Step 7: Review the Report
Scroll through the report preview to review the data or with the help of the review results button, users can review the report before printing. At the bottom, you will see the total number of visits for the selected year.
Step 8: Print the Report (Optional)
If everything looks correct in the preview, proceed to print the report directly from the preview window.