The renumber patient number module allows users to change the patient number across the system, updating it on the patient's profile, transactions, and notes. Please note that any unfulfilled online patient questionnaires will no longer be valid after this change.
Steps to renumber a patient:
Step 1: Login to the Application
- Open the application and log in with your credentials.
Step 2: Navigate to the Renumber Patient Number Module
- From the main menu, go to Specific Activities.
- Select Renumber Patient Number from the list of activities.
Step 3: Enter the Current Patient Number
- In the Current Patient# field, input the patient’s current number.
Step 4: Enter the New Patient Number
- In the New Patient# field, enter the new patient number that will replace the existing one.
Step 5: Save the Changes
- Once both numbers are entered, click on the Save button to apply the changes. This will update the patient number across their profile, transactions, and notes.
Step 6: Clear Data (Optional)
- If you need to clear the entered information before saving, click the Clear button to reset the fields.