How can I update the insurance type code in financial information when billing a claim with medicare as secondary insurance?

This guide is designed to assist users in resolving alerts that occur while processing insurance claims when medicare is listed as the secondary insurance. These alerts are visible due to missing or incorrect insurance type codes in the financial information - secondary insurance information section.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, users will learn how to:

  1. Access the patient financial information section.
  2. Update the appropriate insurance type codes for medicare as the secondary insurance.
  3. Resolve alerts and complete the insurance claim billing process without errors.

Steps to resolve alerts

Step 1: Log in to the application

  • Access your application using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the billing section

  • Go to billing > insurance billing.
  • Select the secondary option from the bill filed dropdown.
  • Choose the date range for billing.
  • Click the HCFA-1500/EDI-837I button to generate the record.
    • If alerts are displayed, they indicate missing or incorrect codes in the financial information - secondary insurance information section.

Step 3: Identify applicable medicare insurance codes

Based on the type of secondary insurance, select one of the following codes:

Code   Description
12 Medicare Secondary Working Aged Beneficiary or Spouse with Employer Group Health Plan
13 Medicare Secondary End-Stage Renal Disease Beneficiary in the Mandated Coordination Period
14 Medicare Secondary, No-fault Insurance including Auto is the Primary
15 Medicare Secondary Worker’s Compensation
16 Medicare Secondary Public Health Service (PHS) or Other Federal Agency
41 Medicare Secondary Black Lung
42 Medicare Secondary Veteran’s Administration
43 Medicare Secondary Disabled Beneficiary Under Age 65 with Large Group Health Plan (LGHP)
47 Medicare Secondary, Other Liability Insurance is Primary

Step 4: Update the secondary insurance information

  1. Navigate to patient financial > secondary insurance information.
  2. Locate the insurance type code field.
  3. Select the appropriate code from the list above that matches the patient’s secondary insurance situation.

Step 5: Save the changes

  • After selecting the correct code, click save to update the patient’s secondary insurance details.

Step 6: Regenerate the secondary insurance Bill to claim

  • Return to the insurance billing page.
  • Generate the billing record again by clicking the HCFA-1500/EDI-837I button.
  • Confirm that the alerts are resolved and the process is successful.

By following these steps, you can effectively address alerts and complete Medicare secondary insurance billing without errors.

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