This feature enables users to generate a detailed credit balance report for selected patients based on their office. The report offers valuable insights into key financial data, including charges, payments, adjustments, and remaining balances, simplifying the management and analysis of credit balances.
Steps to Follow:
Steps 1: Login to the Application:
Log in using your credentials.
Steps 2: Navigate to the Credit Balance Report Section:
Go to File > Financial File > Credit Balance.
Steps 3: Set the Report Filters:
Fill in the required details to customize the report:
- First Patient #: Enter the starting patient number.
- Last Patient #: Enter the ending patient number.
- Sort By: Choose Patient Number to sort the results.
- List Only Office: Select the office to narrow the results.
- Clinician: Add a clinician if needed.
- Account Type: Choose the account type.
- Include Discharged & Dropout Patients: Select Yes or No.
Steps 4: Generate the Report:
Click on the Review Result button to generate the report.
Steps 5: Review the Results:
The report will display data in the following columns:
- O#
- Patient No
- Patient Name
- Charges
- Paid
- Adjust
- Balance
- Last Visit
- AT
- Credit Balance Account
- Printed On: Date of the report.
- Page Number: Page number of the report.
Steps 6: Export Report:
- Print: Click the Print Result button to print the report.
- Download PDF: Save the report as a PDF file.
- Email PDF: Send the report via email.
- Fax: Send the report through fax.
Steps 7: Print Report:
- To print results directly, click on the Print Report button.
Steps 7: Modify Filters (If Needed):
- If the results do not meet your requirements, click the Clear button to reset the fields.
- Update the filters and regenerate the report.
This process ensures accurate tracking and reporting of credit balances for selected patients across offices.