This feature allows you to modify the "Bill To" field, patient amounts, and additional details. You can select the appropriate account type, update patient balances, and adjust settings based on insurance payments or credits. Whether you're updating a single patient or multiple patients, this guide ensures accuracy and efficiency.
Follow these steps to successfully complete the process:
Step 1: Log in to the application with your credentials.
Step 2: Navigate to Change Bill To for Patient Transaction from the menu or search.
Step 3: Enter the required details, such as start and end dates, patient numbers, account type, and bill-to preferences.
- Provide necessary details such as:
- Start Date: __/__/____
- End Date: __/__/____
- Patient Numbers: (e.g., Patient-1 to Patient-7)
- Account Type (Select from the dropdown).
- Bill To: Choose one of:
- Do not update
- Patient Only
- Secondary Only
- All
- Patient Amount: Choose one of:
- Do not update
- 0
- Actual balance
Step 4: Check the options for overriding patient amounts or updating based on insurance payments/credits if needed.
Optional Selections
- Check the box for Override Patient Amount if applicable.
- Check Update Patient Amount If Insurance Has Paid or Insurance Has Credit if needed.
Step 5: Save the changes or reset the form using the Save or Clear button.