How to manage ICD9 codes in the application?

This article provides a detailed overview of how to manage ICD9 codes within the application, including how to add, search, edit, and delete codes. ICD9 codes are used for medical diagnoses and procedures, and managing them effectively is crucial for ensuring accurate record-keeping and reporting.
The application allows users to handle these tasks through a streamlined interface easily.


Step 1: Login to the Application: Start by logging into the application with your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Manage Data: Once logged in, go to the "Manage Data" section from the main menu.

Step 3: Access Standard Codes: In the Manage Data section, click on "Standard Codes" and then select "Manage ICD9 Codes" from the available options.

Step 4: Add a New Code: To add a new ICD9 code, click on the "Add" button. A form will appear where you can fill in the following details:

  • ICD9 Code (Required field)
  • Description
  • Injury Area

Step 5: Save or Cancel: After entering the information, you can choose to save the new code by clicking the "Save" button. If you decide not to save, simply click the "Cancel" button to discard the changes.

Step 6: Search for Codes: On the same page, you can see a list of all ICD9 codes. To find a particular code, enter the code details in the search box and click the "Search" button.

Step 7: Edit or Delete Data: If you wish to modify an existing code, click the "Edit" icon in the action column next to the code. To delete a code, click the "Delete" icon in the same column.

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