How to generate and analyze the financial file calculated balance expected report?

This guide provides a comprehensive explanation of how to generate, review, and print the calculated balance expected report in the application. It includes step-by-step instructions for inputting data, using filters, and understanding the generated report. This report helps analyze patient financials, including charges, payments, balances, and expected amounts.

Detailed Steps to Follow

Step 1: Log In to the Application

  • Use your credentials to access the application.
  • Ensure you have permissions to access the Financial File section.

Step 2: Navigate to the Financial File

  1. Locate the File section on the application dashboard.
  2. Click on Financial File.
  3. Select the option labeled Calculated Balance Expected.

Step 3: Input Data into the Required Fields

Customize the report by filling in the following fields:

  1. First Patient #:
    • Enter the starting patient number for your desired range.
  2. Last Patient #:
    • Enter the ending patient number.
  3. Sort By:
    • Choose how you want the report sorted. Options may include:
      • Patient Number
      • Patient Name
      • Date of Service
  4. List Only Office:
    • Use this field to filter results for a specific office. Select the office from the dropdown menu.
  5. List Only Clinician:
    • If required, specify clinicians to limit the results to their patients.
  6. List Only Account Type:
    • Filter results based on account types, such as:
      • Active Accounts
      • Inactive Accounts
      • Insurance or Private
  7. Include Discharged & Dropout Patients:
    • Select Yes if you want to include these patients in the report. Choose No to exclude them.

Step 4: Generate the Report

  • Click the Review Results button to create the report.
  • The application will process your inputs and display the following details for each patient:
    • O#: Office number
    • PAT NO: Patient number
    • PATIENT NAME: Full name
    • CHARGES: Total charges
    • EXP CHRG: Expected charges
    • PAID: Amount paid
    • ADJUST: Adjustments made
    • EXP BAL: Expected balance
    • BALANCE: Actual balance
    • AT: Account type
    • CALC % OF EXPECTED AMT: Percentage of expected amount

Step 5: Analyze the Report

  • Grand Totals: Review the overall summary at the end of the report, such as the total number of patients and aggregated financial figures.
  • Individual Entries: Look for discrepancies between expected and actual balances or payments.

Step 6: Print the Report

  1. Click on the Print Results button.
  2. A print-friendly version of the report will be generated.
  3. Use your connected printer to print the report or save it as a PDF for record-keeping.

Step 7: Clear and Re-enter Data

  • Click the Clear button to reset the fields.
  • Input new filters or data to regenerate the report for a different range of criteria.

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