How can I handle and modify individual billing information?

The individual billing module in the application allows users to create, update, search, and delete records for individual billing details. This module is essential for storing detailed information related to individual providers, including their contact details, billing identifiers, and office information. The data entered here can be used for patient billing and related tasks.

Follow the detailed steps below to understand how to utilize this module effectively.

Step 1: Login to the Application

  • Access the application and log in with your credentials.

Step 2:  Navigate to the Module

  • Go to Manage Data > Manage Individual Billing.

Step 3: Add a New Record

  • Click on the Add button to open the Add Individual Billing form.
  • Fill in the required and optional fields:
    • Individual Code: (Required) Enter a unique identifier for the individual.
    • Individual Name: (Required) Provide the full name.
    • Tax ID #: Enter the individual's Tax Identification Number.
    • Taxonomy Code: Add the taxonomy classification if applicable.
    • Address-1: Provide the primary address.
    • Address-2: Add a secondary address if necessary.
    • City, State, and Zip: Enter the complete address details.
    • Phone #: Provide a valid phone number in the format (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
    • Fax #: Enter the fax number, if available, in the same format.
    • Email: Provide a valid email address.
    • Individual NPI #: (Required) Enter the National Provider Identifier.
    • Timezone: (Required) Select the appropriate timezone.
    • Other ID #: Enter any additional identification numbers if applicable.
    • Medicare #: Add the Medicare number if required.
    • PTAN #: Provide the PTAN (Provider Transaction Access Number).
    • Patient Billing/Copay Receipt Header: Add any relevant header information for patient billing.
    • Billing Office: Specify the billing office details.
    • Rendering Office: Enter the rendering office details.
  • Click Save to store the record, or click Cancel to discard the data.

Step 4: Search for Existing Records

  • Click the Search button to display all records.
  • Use the Search field to type specific keywords and filter results.

Step 5: Edit or Delete Existing Records

  • Locate the record in the list.
  • Use the Action column to:
    • Click Edit to modify the record's details.
    • Click Delete to remove the record permanently.

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