How can I organize SOAP objective categories?

The SOAP Objective Category module is designed to facilitate the organization and classification of objective categories related to inspection processes. This module ensures that all inspection-related objectives are categorized accurately, enabling efficient tracking and usage in SOAP workflows. The "Test in Inspection" functionality further enhances the module's utility by allowing users to specify which categories are directly linked to inspection testing. This structured approach supports better data management and aligns with the operational requirements of SOAP objectives in the system.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Steps 1:  Log in to the Application

  • Access the application using your credentials to log in and navigate to the dashboard.

Steps 2: Navigate to the SOAP Objective Category Module

  • Go to Manage Data > Manage SOAP Objective Category to open the module.

Steps 3: Add a New SOAP Objective Category

  • Click the Add button to open the Add Objective Category page.
  • Fill in the following fields:
    • Objective Category: (Required) Enter the name of the objective category.
    • Category: Choose Inspection from the available options.
    • Test in Inspection: Select the checkbox to mark this category for testing in inspection.
  • Click Save and Continue to save the record.
  • If you decide not to save the details, click Cancel to discard the entry.

Steps 4: Reset and Add New Details

  • You can reset the selected checkbox and filled details to input new information if needed.

Steps 5: Search for Existing Categories

  • Click the Search button to list all available objective categories.
  • Use the Search field to find specific records by entering relevant keywords.

Steps 6: Edit or Delete Categories

  • In the Action column of the search results, you can:
    • Edit: Modify the details of an existing category.
    • Delete: Remove the category from the system permanently.

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