How do I set up and manage soap goals duration categories?

The SOAP Goals Duration module is designed to help users establish and organize standardized durations for SOAP goals. This feature ensures that goal durations are accurately categorized and sorted for seamless integration into SOAP processes. By setting up SOAP Goals Duration categories, users can prioritize and streamline goal management, allowing for efficient tracking and implementation. The module provides a structured approach to maintaining consistency and clarity in goal durations, which is essential for effective planning and execution of SOAP objectives within the system.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Log in to the Application

  • Use your credentials to access the dashboard.

Step 2: Access the SOAP Goals Duration Module

  • Navigate to Manage Data.
  • Select Manage SOAP Goals Duration to open the module.

Step 3: Add a New SOAP Goals Duration Record

  • Click the Add button.
  • On the Add SOAP Goals Duration Category page, fill in the required fields:
    • SOAP Goals Duration: Specify the goal duration. (Required)
    • Sort No: Provide the sorting order for the duration. (Required)
  • Click Save to store the new record.
  • To discard changes, click Cancel.

Step 5: Search and Manage Existing Records

  • Use the Search function to locate specific records by entering text.
  • In the Action column, you can:
    • Edit: Update an existing record.
    • Delete: Remove a record no longer needed.

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