How do I manage payment descriptions in the application?

Discover how to utilize the manage payment description feature to streamline the addition, modification, and removal of payment descriptions in your system. This feature allows users to maintain up-to-date and accurate payment codes and descriptions, ensuring seamless data management and retrieval.

Steps to Manage Payment Descriptions:

Step 1: Login to the Application:
Start by logging into the application using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Manage Payment Description:

  • Go to the Manage Data section.
  • Select Manage Payment Description from the available options.

Step 3: Add a New Record:

  • Click the Add button to open the form for adding a new payment description.
  • Fill in the required fields:
    • Code: This is a mandatory field.
    • Description: Enter a description of the payment.
  • Choose one of the following options:
    • Save: Click Save to save the new record.
    • Cancel: Click Cancel to return to the previous page without saving.

Step 4: Search for a Record:

  • Use the Search button to view a list of all existing records.
  • To find a specific record, enter relevant text in the Search Box and press Search.

Step 5: Edit or Delete a Record:

  • From the listing of records, locate the record you want to modify.
  • Use the Edit icon in the Action column to update the record.
  • Use the Delete icon in the Action column to remove the record permanently.

These steps allow you to effectively manage payment descriptions, ensuring accurate and updated data within the system.

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