How can I create and highlight waitlist categories based on selected colors?

Waitlist categories help in organizing and prioritizing tasks efficiently. By assigning a specific color to each category, users can visually distinguish between categories for better task management. Here's how you can add and manage waitlist categories while ensuring the selected color highlights the category:

Steps to Create a Waitlist Category

Step 1: Log in to the Application:

            Access the system using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Manage Waitlist Categories:

  • Go to Manage Data > Scheduling Codes > Manage Waitlist Category.

Step 3: Add a New Waitlist Category:

  • Click the Add button.
  • Provide the following details:
    • Waitlist Category Name (Required): Enter a name for the category.
    • Waitlist Category Color (Optional): Select a color to visually identify this category.
  • Click Save to confirm. If any required fields are left blank, the system will display an error message prompting you to complete them.
  • If you wish to cancel without saving, click Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Step 4: View and Manage Waitlist Categories

  1. View All Categories:
    • Click the Search button to list all existing categories.
    • Use the search field to find specific categories by entering relevant keywords.

  1. Edit or Delete Categories:
    • Use the Action column to make edits or delete a category.

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