How to use the "quick patient search" feature from the dashboard?

The "Quick Patient Search" feature allows users to efficiently find patient information directly from the dashboard. By following these steps, you can make full use of the "Quick Patient Search" feature and quickly access the information you need.

Follow the steps below for a detailed explanation of how to use this feature:

Step 1: Log In to the Application:

  • Open the application and enter your login credentials (username and password).
  • Click the "Login" button to access the application.

Step 2: Navigate to the Dashboard:

  • After logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard.
  • If not, locate the dashboard link from the main menu and click on it.

Step 3: Locate the "Quick Patient Search" Feature:

  • On the dashboard, look to the right-hand corner to find the "Quick Patient Search" feature.

Step 4: Choose a Search Option:

  • In the "Quick Patient Search" area, there is a dropdown menu with the following options:
    • All: Searches all available fields.
    • Patient Number: Searches by a specific patient number.
    • First Name: Searches by the patient’s first name.
    • Last Name: Searches by the patient’s last name.
  • Select the desired option from the dropdown menu.

Step 5: Enter Search Criteria:

  • After selecting an option, type the relevant information (e.g., patient number, first name, or last name) in the search field.

Step 6: Initiate the Search:

  • Click on the search icon (magnifying glass) to start the search.

Step 7: Review the Results:

  • A list of matching patients will be displayed based on your search criteria.
  • Scroll through the list to find the desired patient.

Step 8: Access Patient Details:

  • Click on the row of the patient you wish to view.
  • You will be navigated to the patient’s details page, where more comprehensive information is available.

Tips for Efficient Search

  • Use specific criteria to narrow down your search and find results quickly.
  • If unsure about the exact patient details, use the "All" option to search broadly.
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