How do I update patient information and lock/unlock profile details?

This article explains how to update patient information in the application and manage the locking or unlocking of profile details. Follow the steps below for a detailed guide on completing these actions effectively.

Steps to Follow:

Step 1: Login to the Application

  • Open the application and log in using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the 'Manage Patient' Section

  • After logging in, locate the "Manage Patient" option in the application menu and click on it.

Step 3: Select a Patient

  • From the list of patients displayed, select the one you wish to update by clicking on their name.

Step 4: Access the Patient Dashboard

  • Once you click on a patient, you will be redirected to the Patient Dashboard screen.

Step 5: Locate the 'Update Patient Information' Option

  • On the left-hand side of the Patient Dashboard screen, find the first option labeled "Update Patient Information."
  • Under this section, you will see a related task labeled "Patient Information." Click on this link.

Step 6: Edit Patient Information

  • Clicking the "Patient Information" link will take you to the Patient Information Details form.
  • Here, you can:
    • Add new details.
    • Edit existing information.
    • Update the patient profile as needed.

Step 7: Lock/Unlock the Patient Profile

  • On the Patient Information Details form, you will find a checkbox labeled "Is Lock?"
  • Perform the following actions as required:
    • To Lock the Profile: Check the box to lock the profile. Once locked, no users will be able to make further updates to the patient details.

  • To Unlock the Profile: Uncheck the box to unlock the profile, allowing users to update the patient details.

Step 8: Save Changes

  • After making the necessary updates or locking/unlocking the profile, click the "Save" button to ensure all changes are applied.

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