How can I check and organize today's appointments?

The "Today's Appointments" section on the dashboard allows users to easily access and manage appointments scheduled for the day. This feature enables users to filter appointments by clinician and view details about specific appointments and patients. It ensures streamlined access to daily schedules for efficient management.

Steps to Follow:

Step 1: Login to the Application:
Begin by logging into your account using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the Dashboard:
Once logged in, access the dashboard from the main menu or landing page.

Step 3: Scroll to the "Today's Appointments" Section:
Scroll down on the dashboard until you find the "Today's Appointments" section.

Step 4: View Appointments:

  • If appointments are available for the day, they will be displayed in this section.
  • Use the dropdown menu to select a specific clinician. The list will update based on the selected clinician's appointments for the day.

Step 5: Access Appointment Details:
Click on any appointment in the list to view more details. You will be redirected to the Patient Details screen, where you can see all relevant information for the selected appointment and patient.

This process ensures you can efficiently manage and review appointments for the day.

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