How do I access and track charges for a selected patient?

The "Charges" section on the Patient Dashboard displays a summary of transaction details for the selected patient. These details are derived from the Patient Transactions page, which contains a comprehensive list of all charges associated with the patient. Users can review the complete transaction history and return to the Patient Dashboard for further actions. Typically, around 10-12 charge records are visible under the "Charges" section on the dashboard.

Steps to Follow:

Step 1: Login to the Application:
Use your credentials to log into the application.

Step 2: Navigate to the Patient Dashboard:

  • Go to the "Manage Patient" section.
  • Select a patient from the list and click to open their profile.

Step 3: Locate the Charges Section:

  • On the Patient Dashboard, scroll down to find the "Charges" section.
  • This section displays around 10-12 transaction records for the selected patient.

Step 4: View All Charges:

  • Click on the "Charges" section to navigate to the Patient Transactions page.
  • Here, all transaction details for the patient are listed, providing a detailed view of charges.

Step 5: Return to the Patient Dashboard:

  • To go back to the Patient Dashboard, click on the "Click Here Patient Information" link.

This feature ensures that users can seamlessly access and review charge details for patients while maintaining a streamlined workflow.

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