How do I finalize and hard close a month?

The "Hard Close" function finalizes financial transactions for a selected month, preventing any further modifications. This ensures data integrity and accurate financial reporting. Users can select a specific month and year to perform the hard close. Additionally, they can generate and review the Hard Close Report to verify the finalized transactions.

Steps to Follow:

Step 1: Navigate to Hard Close Section:

  • Go to Transaction > Patient Transactions > Hard Close.

Step 2: Select the Month and Year:

  • Choose the desired month and year for closing.

  • Click Submit to complete the hard close process.

Step 3: View the Hard Close Report:

  • Navigate to Reports > Detail Reports > Hard Close Report.

  • Apply filters as needed.

  • Click Print Report or Review Results to view the finalized report.

Once a month is hard-closed, no further changes can be made to transactions within that period, ensuring financial accuracy and compliance.

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