The Scheduling Referrals Report helps users track patient appointments, remaining visits, and referral details. By applying the appropriate filters, users can generate a detailed report based on appointment date or referral information. This ensures better scheduling management and accurate tracking of patient visits.
Steps to Follow:
Step 1: Log in to the application.
Step 2: Navigate to Reports >> Scheduling Reports >> Scheduling Referrals.
Step 3: Enter the required filters for the report:
- Filter Date On: Select "Appointment Date" or "Referral Date."
- Enter Date Range: Choose the From Date and To Date for the report.
- Filter Remaining Visits On: Select Referral and G-Code if applicable.
- Enter Visits Remaining: Choose the appropriate condition (e.g., Equal To).
- Select Clinician and Office: Use the dropdown options to refine the search.
Step 4: Click Print Report or Review Results to generate and view the report.
- If "Filter Date On" is set to Appointment Date, the Office filter is applied from scheduling.
If "Filter Date On" is set to Referral Date, the Office filter is applied from patient information.