The merging process automatically uploads patient data in patient documents

Automatic upload process

After the patient fills and submits their form, it is displayed in Patient Information Submissions. 

Navigate to >> Patient Information Submissions from the dashboard:


Click on the row and the user will be redirected to the Merge Patient Information page.


Users can review and make necessary changes in patient data. After updating the data click on the "Merge with Patient record". This process will upload the data filled by the patient  into "Patient Document" and also update data in patient information.


The user can download patient information pdf by clicking on the View button.




Manual process

If at all the user wishes to manually upload the patient data in patient document, then the user should click on the Print button at the top right corner of the Merge Patient Information page:


Then click on the Patient Document button on the print pop up:


All the entered patient data gets uploaded as a document in the patient document section. User can download the pdf by clicking on the view button.





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