Patient Management
- How do I access and track charges for a selected patient?
- How can I update diagnosis information for a patient?
- How can I search and access patient details in the system?
- How do I access and handle notes in the sign assistance notes section?
- How do I update patient information and lock/unlock profile details?
- How to use the "quick patient search" feature from the dashboard?
- How do I check patient notes in the financial file module?
- Accessing and Managing Patient Files on the Apollo Site.
- How do patients add, edit, or remove soap notes?
- How does the intervention tab help with treatment planning and documentation?
- How to attach documents to a soap note and track the number of attachments?
- How can we customize fields in the 'intervention' tab of the 'initial examination' for patient soap notes?
- Set the order of Billing codes for SOAP notes
- DX code in Billing Form information based on Diagnosis
- Is there a way to upload documents only related to SOAP notes? I do not want to mix it with patient documents
- Is there a way to show or hide depression questions?
- Do we need to include all the variants of CPT codes for displaying in SOAP billing?
- How can a user delete a General Note?
- How can user view detailed list of payments, against which payment was posted by line item method?
- Customize Notice of Patient Information Practices
- The merging process automatically uploads patient data in patient documents
- Do Custom Objectives values get carried forward in the Re-Examination SOAP Note?
- Document control number(Box 64) is included in UB04 Information.
- How can we configure to display both Account type code and name in Account type auto-fill drop down in patient information?
- Can I change referral physician in SOAP notes?
- Box 80 under UB04 Information
- How can Time and Units under the billing tab be validated?
- How to set default value for POC Approval while doing SOAP Notes?
- Can a user add ICD 10 codes from Patient Information page?
- In SOAP notes, new way to Save and Continue when creating a note.