Using Apollo
Commonly asked questions
- How do I print billing claims for a patient who has already received insurance payments?
- How do I generate a new patient number for any changes in the demographic record?
- How can I quickly add charges from transactions?
- How can I schedule a new appointment for a specific date and clinician using the patient scheduling module?
- How do I create a daily progress note?
Patient Management
- How do I access and track charges for a selected patient?
- How can I update diagnosis information for a patient?
- How can I search and access patient details in the system?
- How do I access and handle notes in the sign assistance notes section?
- How do I update patient information and lock/unlock profile details?
- How to use the "quick patient search" feature from the dashboard?
- How can I access and finalize patient check-in records for specific dates?
- How can I keep track of patient visits?
- How can I schedule a new appointment with a specific clinician within the week?
- Can we show the Injury Area in the scheduling calendar?
- Where can I view a patient's Last Appointment?
- I want only Patient name to be displayed on the calendar.
- How can I streamline workflow with hcfa-1500/edi-837p billing options for report generation?
- How do I optimize billing workflow with ub-04/edi-837i reports?
- How can I generate customized ub-04 billing reports?
- How can I customize and optimize short patient billing processes?
- How do I generate an overdue insurance & patient bills report in the billing module?
- How can I update and ensure account type changes are shown in the patient transaction listing?
- How can I modify my profile information?
- Process for managing and customizing soap templates?
- How can I manage and update scheduling group colors in apollo?
- How to change activity colors from the settings?
- How to manage groups from the settings for effective user collaboration?
- Where can I find the 'manage users' option?
- How do I finalize and hard close a month?
- How can I prepare and maintain the mismatched poc file report?
- How do i generate reports for payers and insurance carriers?
- How can I generate and manage reports in the per charge details price section?
- How can I generate a comprehensive FOTO report based on first visit dates and clinician data?
- How do I produce a payment description file report for office-wide use?
- How to generate a duplicate post copay receipt report?
- How can I track payments applied to charges using the collection report?
- How can I review aged accounts receivable for specific payors to determine whom to bill using the 'secondary and all' billing option?
- How can I generate an aged accounts receivable report for collections?
- How do I retrieve a scheduling referrals report with appointment date and g-code filters?
- How can I find overdue payments by applying filters to outstanding receivables based on aging?
Specific Activities
- How can I modify the dx pointer, pos, or kx modifier in a transaction?
- How do I update the "bill to" information for a patient transaction?
- How can I modify patient amounts for insurance payments or credits?
- How do I modify office details for every transaction related to a patient?
- How to transfer the copay amount from patient accounts to transaction records?
- How to modify account categories from patient to transaction?
Manage Data
- How can I create a payor file report with the "payor with 59 modifier" option?
- How can I retrieve the report, a reconciliation report sorted by a clinician?
- How can I generate and print a reconciliation report for patient transactions?
- How can I check and organize today's appointments?
- How can I create and highlight waitlist categories based on selected colors?
- How can I define and manage instruction codes in the system?
Weekly Updates
- Text changes in menu under patient.
- Patient billing menu changes done recently?
- In Charge entry autocomplete dropdown by patient number or patient name has been added while entering patient number
- Can I assign view/add/edit/delete permissions for SOAP notes to different User groups?
- In Initial and Re-exam drop down has been replaced with free text box for "Diagnosis for Body Part".
- Monthly newsletter now available in dashboard
- APTA Combined Sections Meeting 2014
- Medical Practices moves Health IT to Cloud
- Physical Therapy Named a 'Top Job' for 2014
- American Society of Hand Therapists Annual Meeting
- Therapy as Good as Surgery for Some With Torn Knee Cartilage
- AAOMPT Annual Conference
Apollo Updates
- Patient/Insurance bill log details displayed in patient statement report
- CMS ICD-10 announcement effective October 1, 2021
- Can the Treating office be changed in SOAP notes?
- In Range of motion "Within Normal Limit" has an additional option "Select".
- New design updated on website
- ICD9 codes will be updated to ICD10 codes
Browser related matters
- How do I print a report that shows all visits for 2023?
- Can I transfer patient balance as Patient Copay amount?
- How to view Patient documents
- Will it operate between multiple locations?
- Who owns my Data?
- What kind of technical requirements do I need?